Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Praying for pigeons

It was a silly prayer, I admit. Praying for a pigeon. For some strange reason, pigeons who are on their death bed seem drawn to the baby store. They sit in front of the door and stare in. Today Mr. Pigeon was hanging out at the front door looking at us. I came close and he just stayed there. I opened the door and still he stayed there. Blisa came over to try and visit with him. He was too scared for that so he hobbled off around the building. Then he came to the side door and just sat there, blocking the entrance for the FedEx delivery. He finally found a wind block by hoping up the stairs to Julie's front door. I left him a couple of french fries, but he wouldn't touch them. I think this is typical behavior for a pigeon who is dying? The last pigeon did the same thing, only I thought perhaps I could nurse him back to health. I brought him and and put him in a box with a towel and tried to feed him and give him water, but nothing worked. He died. I always make an attempt at saving a life and I always fail. I prayed that God would show this creature compassion and make the end of his life painless, filled with happy birdy thoughts. Silly, I know.

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