The garden is coming up quite nicely for a first try! Sadly I have not been able to give much thought to it. I am now working 72 hours a week so I haven't devoted much attention to it at all. I don't even remember what some of the veggies are that are popping up. I should have marked them. Thankfully, my very helpful husband weeded it for me. The weeds sprouted up amazingly fast and got quite big before I was able to determine if they were actually weeds or if they were part of the garden! Dean is supposed to be my co-gardener, but he's very lazy and refuses to weed or water. I'm excited to eat some of the lettuce. I have to admit, I'm not sure how to pull it up. Do I pull it out from the root or just tear some leaves up? Who knows.
Work: Because business has been painfully slow, I started working evenings at Pizza Hut again. It's not a bad place to work, and I'm gratefull that I was given the opportunity. I imagined I would have to really fight for as many hours as I could, but ended up with 35 the first week and 40 each week after. The only 2 shift managers quit so I was asked to close-manage until others could be trained to do it. I reluctantly agreed. What this means is that instead of getting off work at 11pm, I now get off work at 1-1:30 am, and I also don't make tips any more. So more responsibility with less pay, basically. I'm hoping I can go back to waiting tables only, although it's very difficult for me to not direct people to what they should be doing. It's just what I do- I have a hard time watching people violate policy or not work up to standard and not say anything about it. I'm a by-the-book kind of person. If there is a rule, it should be followed! The lack of sleep definately affects me. The first night of the week with only 6 hours sleep is fine. By the second night I can feel the effects, and it just gets worse toward the end of the week. I'm so much crankier and less patient and totally unmotivated. My days off are different every week and they are never together, so it really feels like I don't have any days off! Well, I don't- there is no day where I don't work somewhere! We told the church last week that we would have to resign from teaching Sunday school. I just have to catch up on my sleep debt so something's got to give. Toward the end of the week I find myself walking around aimlessly, not remembering where I was going or what I was doing. How long can I keep this up for? I think a couple of years.....
Saturday, July 3, 2010
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