It's gaining popularity- from saving a little here and there to extreme cases- and being frugal is the smart thing to do. The economy is bad, and despite what our leaders tell us, things aren't getting better. I believe the worst is yet to come. The typical American Family, mine included, is feeling the effects of our way of life. Spending more than you have, having it now and paying for it later...no savings to speak of. And it hurts. I'll be brutally honest. Brian and I have spent the bulk of our lives together getting into debt. Back then, credit cards were so easy to get- they were giving them away! We'd promise ourselves we'd pay it off right away. Then the balance keeps getting bigger and eventually we'd find ourselves just paying the minimum due every month. I was never taught anything about money management, but I won't use that as an excuse. I'm a big girl now and I'm sickened by the result of years of poor choices and avoidance. Sooo....come along with me on my latest and greatest adventure...my family's odyssey into frugality! It all starts today with the magic jars!!!!!